Free Pattern Giveaway!!
Let's have a free pattern giveaway!!
Summer, here where I am, is coming to a close. School is getting ready to start again, and we are trying to fit in as many fun things as we possibly can! It makes the last few weeks busy, but in a good way!
Let me know what your plans are for the last few weeks of this season, and you'll be entered to win a free pattern of your choice from my shop! Even if it's a different season where you are, let me know what you enjoy doing at that time. Tomorrow afternoon I will draw 3 winners from a hat, and post them on my Facebook page.
If you haven't stopped by my shop lately, take a look for some new patterns that I've added. I also have a big bunch of new things that I'm working on, so there will be plenty of new releases this fall and winter. Fun!
Good luck with the giveaway--and watch for the winners tomorrow.
Have a great afternoon!!
Summers End
Well this Weds is my birthday so what a great birthday present, a free pattern!! :) But at the end of this month I will be traveling to St. Louis to take family pictures for my best friend!!
Sad to see summer go...
I can't believe the summer is almost over, I have been prepping my oldest all summer to start kindergarten this September between fun summer outings, movie and play dates!
I plan on swimming for the
I plan on swimming for the rest of the warm season before the water gets too cold! I also am enjoying working I my yard!
cramming it in!
We are cramming the last of our summer full of a trip to the zoo, a family vacation to a cottage on a lake, and completing all f the "fun" projects we had planned for the summer that seem to have gotten away from us. It'll be busy but packed with fun and memories. I'll take it!
Plans for the end of summer
I am planning to finish up several sewing/crocheting projects to enter in the county fair!
Pattern Giveaway
My last few weeks will be spent getting my house ready to rent as we prepare to embark on a new adventure! The military is sending us to Richmond, VA...ready or not, here we come!
End of Summer Plans
I plan on spending as much time with my little ones before I head back to school. Time at the pool and the zoo!!!
I plan on getting to know my new baby!
I am due with our first child (Girl) in about 1 my last weeks of summer will be spent learning how to take care of a newborn! :)
Christmas planning
Since I have 22 grandchildren, I am already planning what gifts I can make
Trying to finish up my very
Trying to finish up my very long to do list before baby #2 gets here next month.
End of summer plans
My baby is going to preschool :( so I am going to spend lots of time with her and make some hats for fall craft shows!
Enjoying the rest of Summer
The next weeks...House is going under big renovations which means lots of cleaning and get my oldest ready for school and try to crib train my baby before I have to go back to work.
Rest of Summer
This weekend I'm going to a craft show and the farmer's market as a shopper only! [Being a crafter myself, I really enjoy the rare occasions I can browse and slowly pick out presents for family and friends.]
My gardens look great, so I'm hoping to keep them going for another couple of weeks and have a few outdoor dinner parties as it is finally not stifling when you open the door in the evening :)
School starts next week for
School starts next week for my daughters so this week we plan on going out to the country to enjoy before we start back at our routine!!
Soak up the sun!
I plan on soaking up the sun, working on projects, and relaxing! This may or may not also include some margaritas!;)
I'm actually going to do NO crocheting this week in honor of my boys going back to school on Wednesday. I now have a HIGH SCHOOLER!!! Yikes, but I have a 3 and 1 yr old still home so I shall stay plenty busy chasing them around. Thanks for the giveaway. Love your patterns!
I plan on finishing up some
I plan on finishing up some projects in our new home...lots of curtains to be hemmed, painting to be done, etc!
Crocheting and more crocheting
Am working on finishing up a blanket for a baby that is due very soon.
Teachers have to go back, too!
I'm trying to enjoy all the giggles and smiles of my little ones before I meet my new bigger ones. Living it up this week, crafty style.Very excited that my oldest is old enough to go to my school this year.
Getting ready for work
I am nearing the end of the 12 weeks I took off to have a baby. They have been amazing, but I am preparing to have to head back to work by finishing up some crafts and doing projects around the house.
Finishing up the summer
Planning on enjoying the outdoors. Also finishing up the plans for my daughter's wedding in December.
Gearing up for Fall
I have twin boys that will be turning one on 10/31 and I plan to crochet cute hats that they can wear on their first Halloween. It will be so fun to dress up my little Franklin as Frankenstein and Jack as a Jack-O-Lantern this year! I also have a small Etsy shop, so I am always on the lookout for great patterns so I can expand my inventory and help my little family with extra income from time to time.
gardening and caning
I have a very large garden and [plan to harvest and can/freeze many bushels of food in the next weeks. We will start school when all of that is done.
Almost summer here in Australia
Winters almost over!!! Yay! I plan on spending my last few weeks of winter snuggled up crocheting things for my beautiful new nephew who is only 5 days old ^_^!
Getting back into school routine already !!!
My daughter started school this last week and we got lots of information in the back to school night. Will be a busy year and we both have to get organized so we can make sure it goes smooth for her :). Will have to tackle all that cleaning that was set aside during summer break, we had too much fun!!!
Last minute summer....
We like to check our summer "bucket list" and finish checking off things we want to complete. We want to get to water park, spend some time playing at the local parks, and work on landscaping our yard. Once we get back in school routine, I need to get some crocheting done!!!!
Leaving soon for a fun filled
Leaving soon for a fun filled week in Vermont. One of my favorite places in the world. Summer seems to go faster and faster every year. I'm dreading the back to school grind.
One More Day of Summer Break
My girls start Kindergarten and 6th grade this week. We have one more day of summer break. It is hard to believe. I will spend my time while they are in school catching up on minion hat orders and trying out some new patterns and ideas.
Enjoying the final days
We plan to finish up our summer with the beginning of school, flag football, rodeos, and finishing up all the unfinished projects that were started in the spring.
Pattern Giveaway
I have that's expecting her first baby and I am trying to finish up my crocheting and knitting projects for her. I will also be working a few days at our state fair.
I will be making some Chritmas craft sale crochet items and taking some day trips with my son.
I have been working at a camp for 9 weeks so it is time to regroup and get ready for the Fall/Holiday shows.
I plan to
I plan to spend the rest of the summer at the campground where I have been so far this summer. I will be working on finishing some blankets for Christmas gifts for my grandchildren and some outfits for my first great grandchild who shall be making her appearance around Thanksgiving.
heading down to the jersey
heading down to the jersey shore
I plan on working! And
I plan on working! And hopefully this weather will get a little cooler soon!
I plan on
I plan on trying to get as many outdoor sessions in as I can. I do photography and as the season close so does the want for outdoor sessions. I also plan to spend as much time outside with my family. Me and my boyfriend have two little boys.
Enjoying my sons last week before he goes to 1st grade!
This week we visit the water park for one last hurrah! And then once my son goes back to school I have a long list of crafts I need to work on for our home! Summer went by too fast!
I am going to hang out as a
I am going to hang out as a family and explore our new home :)
I am going to hang out as a
I am going to hang out as a family and explore our new home :)
I am pulling out yarn and patterns to begin two afghans for Christmas presents. A lot of crochet to be done in the next 3-4 months!
my plans
I plan on snuggling with my new baby boy that's expected to be here in November and enjoy the holidays with him and my 2 year old daughter :)
getting things ready for the newest addition to our family
planning a few day trips to the zoo and getting things ready for the newest addition to our little family.
Kids are already back
My kids started back today! Today was my daughter last first day of school; she is a senior this year. I'm finishing up some slouchy hats for her - she wants to use in her senior pics. Also some custom orders that some friends have asked for. Hopefully I then can start some Christmas gifts.
My plans are making a couple new things for some babies that will be coming soon. Hats and blankets mainly. Maybe a couple items to use as photo props. Keeping myself busy as I recover from surgery and have the time to do them.
Pattern Giveaway
We homeschool and just started back this week. (Groans from the children!) However, we are still going to enjoy frequent trips to the zoo and parks while the weather stays nice! Our church hosts a children's consignment sale twice yearly, and the fall one is this week. Our family is helping put that on, and I just finished about 25 hats to donate to sell at the sale as well. Proceeds benefit our church's missions department.
We will be venturing on a few
We will be venturing on a few weekend vacations to the lake!
Fixing cars and getting son
Fixing cars and getting son ready to start pre-K and hopefully me going back to school and work!
End of Summer
I start homeschooling my oldest this Fall so there will be lots of playing outside, in the pool and at our local splash pad to end our summer with a bang! ;)
End of Summer
I am trying to help my daughter get ready for her first year of college. Then I will be working on getting ready for the fall craft show season.
We have been going out and
We have been going out and just enjoying the warm weather. Having picnics at the park, getting our flower garden ready for winter, and having a few more parties and cookouts. I am also starting to crochet hats for 8 children for this winter. Each are customized :)
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