Pattern Giveway--Just for Fun!
We're on day 3 of cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather where I live, so I think it's time for something cheery! An impromptu free pattern giveway sounds like a good idea!
To enter your chance to win, just post a reply to this blog post, or on my Facebook page, telling me what you're favorite weather day is. For the record, mine is sunny and 80 degrees. I'm looking foward to those! :-)
Two lucky winners will be announced this evening--Good luck!
Lovely, warm, floral,
Lovely, warm, floral, beautiful Spring day!!! :)
Today's weather is just fine
24* and the day after a blizzard. No complaints here!
My favorite weather
OOOH! The high 70s (77-78 ish) with a breeze and some high clouds. Love that!
My favorite weather day is sunny and at warm enough for A t-shirt and shorts but not so hot it's sticky... With a warm thunderstorm in the evening to cool off ;)
I love sunny, warm Spring
I love sunny, warm Spring days with the temp around 75-80 degrees! Hoping to see some of them real soon!
thank you for the free pattern your patterns!
75 and breezy in the fall.
A Day with Sun Shine
I have to say my favorite is when the temperature is around 75 and there is a slight breeze, and not a cloud in the sky.
warm and sunny with a breeze
73 and sunny with a little bit of a warm breeze in the air. If someone would mow their lawn in my general vicinity, that would be fabulous, too!
Favorite weather
I live in Canada where there is still snow on the ground and we are patiently waiting for Spring.:0(
My perfect day would sunny and about 75.
65 and sunny - perfect
65 and sunny - perfect weather for a run!!
Perfect Weather
My perfect weather day is sunny and 70's with a little wind to keep you from getting too hot.
My favorite weather day is
My favorite weather day is 75, sunny and no wind!!!!!!
Favorite weather
Sunny, 78 degrees, no humidity!!
Favorite weather
Mid-seventies,sunshine and a light breeze!!!! Perfect for working outside in my flower beds after a long winter:)
Favorite weather day!
My favorite weather day would be in the fall, clear bright blue sky and just chilly enough to wear a sweater!
Love spring! I love seeing
Love spring! I love seeing all the new flowers come to life.
Sunny and 75
Sunny, warm, not too humid, with a light breeze. :)
Perfect weather day....
Perfect weather day would be sunny, 75-80 slight breeze to hang laundry on the line! Then off to spend the day with my famjam enjoying some swimming and a wonderful BBQ!!!
It is sunny and 74 here today with a slight breeze. It is wonderful! Couldn't ask for better weather.
Rain Rain don't go away!
We are having massive thunder storms! I love rain on the roof. I love to walk in a deep snow at night, it's so peaceful. Sunny breezy days are wonderful, and clear fall days, just as it's getting crisp are a treat! I love any kind of day.
I love sunny skies and 65-70 degrees! Thanks for the chance!
A warm day with just a hint of a breeze (no or low humidity) simply the best
Sunny, light breeze, and 25 C
perfect day
my favourite weather day is in the middle of Spring, 25 degrees (Celcius, I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit!) up in the mountains...ahhhh bliss!
Any weather on the beach!
My favorite weather day is 80+ degrees, sunny, and where I can feel an ocean breeze! :)
If only today's high weren't 46 and I was actually somewhere near a beach!
i like autumn (here in aus at
i like autumn (here in aus at the moment) its mild but still get lovely sunny days.
It hit 93 here in Maryland
It hit 93 here in Maryland today but I feel your pain! Lived in Seattle for awhile and got used to dreary weather.
Anything above 70 degrees
Anything above 70 degrees (preferably sunny though)!
My perfect day is a sunny,
My perfect day is a sunny, bright, warm day at the beach!!
Sunny and cool!
Sunny and cool!
Favorite Weather Day...
Cold and snowing, in the Rocky Mountains!!
sunny with a light breeze 76
sunny with a light breeze 76 degrees
Favorite Weather
I would love a sunny 85 degree day!!!
Favorite weather
Warm and sunny with just a slight breeze.
Perfect weather day
In Oregon, any day that it isn't raining. Lol. Seriously, though, a sunny, 85 degree day is perfect for me (preferably on the deck/next to the pool with something cold & refreshing to drink close by!
Give me 75 with the sunshine
Give me 75 with the sunshine and please no humidity! We had "thunder snow" with ice,sleet,lightning today! We want Spring please!
Fall but not
My favourite time of year is the change from a killer hot summer to fall which isn't really fall here in Queensland Australia but just enough drop in temp to be able to sit outside in the sun without getting burnt or start sweating. So April/May 25degrees Celsius is what I look forward to!!
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