Pattern Giveway--Just for Fun!

We're on day 3 of cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather where I live, so I think it's time for something cheery! An impromptu free pattern giveway sounds like a good idea!

To enter your chance to win, just post a reply to this blog post, or on my Facebook page, telling me what you're favorite weather day is. For the record, mine is sunny and 80 degrees. I'm looking foward to those! :-)

Two lucky winners will be announced this evening--Good luck!




My perfect weather day is a

My perfect weather day is a nice 78 sunny with a breeze!!

Free Crochet Pattern or Knitting Pattern Giveaway!! | Easy

Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an really long comment but after
I clicked submit my comment didn't show up. Grrrr... well I'm not writing
all that over again. Regardless, just wanted
to say superb blog!


Sunny, light winds 85 degrees

I like 72, sunny, and a

I like 72, sunny, and a gentle wind!

sunny and 75!

sunny and 75!


Oh oh I LOOOVVVEEE warm sunny 70s Its prefect for walks, yard work which i love doing, and kids playing without getting to hot.

Thank you so so much for having a giveaway. Love you patterns.

Weather Day

Perfect weather day for me is 85 and sunny. Warm enough to swim, but not hot enough to be miserable!

About sunny & 75 is perfect

About sunny & 75 is perfect for me. I don't like to have to use the AC so I prefer a slight breeze blowing through my house. :)

I love sunny and mild. Great

I love sunny and mild. Great weather to go for a walk.

blue skies about 75 degrees

blue skies about 75 degrees and a nice occasional breeze :)

My favorite is about 75 and

My favorite is about 75 and sunny. Nice enough just to sit on the deck and relax without being too hot.

I love the heat!

I love it when its between 80-90 degrees...super warm and sunny...:)

Perfect Weather!

Sunny and about 80 with a mild breeze is perfect for me!!!

I love the 70's and sunny,

I love the 70's and sunny, but I also love a good rainy day where you feel ok staying in your jammies and doing nothing all day.

I guess I might be the only

I guess I might be the only downer...but...I like anytime it rains! That way I can show off the cute beanies!

Favorite Weather

My perfect day is a cool 65 degrees with overcast skies and a little bit of rain :)

I'll be the odd ball. :)

I'll be the odd ball. :) Chilly and cloudy. I love to hold my baby close to keep us both warm. It's my favorite thing. Not to mention, cold weather means lots of cute hats!

I love sunny around

I love sunny around 75....just perfect to be outside in....

85 and sunny. Perfect pool

85 and sunny. Perfect pool weather! :)

Breezy and 80 degrees

This is my perfect day...that I will be waiting on! We're on day 3 of snow with over 20" so far :(

Thank you

My favorite weather is sunny in the low 70's. Warm enough to enjoy the warmth of the sun, but not too hot to be sweating all over the place :)


I used to say a 70 degree rainy day was perfect, but lately I'm in love with a 75 degree sunny day so I can go outside and garden.

My perfect weather day is a

My perfect weather day is a nice, warm sunny day around 70 degrees-not too hot and not too cold. But being an Oregon girl, any break in the day from the rain will do:)

Sunny and 70's!

It just snowed here this morning :( Spring??? Where??? I'm dreaming about warm 70 degree days......


I have to say that I love a sunny winter day with the ground covered in fresh snow!

Perfect weather

Fall is my favorite season so I guess I'd say a sunny autumn day with blue sky and vibrant leave. Still warm enough to be outside but with a cool crispness in the breeze.


I love sunny, not humid 75 to 80 degree weather. We still have the snow on the ground here in the UP of Michigan! I'm so over winter!


Sunny, 70 ish and a lite breeze :)

Marcy Howlett

I have TWO....

I love the morning after a night of snowfall... sunny & cold... new snow on the ground with the 'footprints' of the critters who've visited overnight..

But also LOVE... sunny & 75... very light breeze... sitting on the bank of a river reading a book or crocheting....

My perfect weather day is a....

warm, sunny day around 80 degrees wearing capris (or as my husband would say, 'short pants') and flip-flops....oh, how I miss my flip-flops!!!



75 and sunny

75 and sunny

80 and sunny here too, with a

80 and sunny here too, with a nice little breeze!

the perfect day

My perfect weather day is 88 degrees with a slight breeze, finished with a warm rain!

Fav Weather

Todays weather in NC is perfect for me! Sunny and 80, with a very light breeze :) it can stay this way from now on lol

Any kind of day with sunshine

Any kind of day with sunshine and chirping birds! :-)

Sunny no humidity

Love warm weather when it's not humid sunny in the 70's perfect weather for a walk outdoors without rushing to get back inside perfect day for a stroll with baby and hubby.

My kind of weather

Low 80s and Sunny!! I'm looking forward to this summer!

Favorite Weather

Sunny, in the 70s, and preferably on the beach :)


70 and sunny with a slight breeze!

about 80 with sunshine and a

about 80 with sunshine and a light breeze!


85 with a little breeze!

My perfect weather is 76

My perfect weather is 76 degrees and breezy!! That would be perfect for me!

Favorite Weather Day

My favorite weather day is 75 and sunny and we have too few of them in Texas. Seem to skip from 50's to 80's and then have 3 months of 100+
Today is a rare cold and dreary April day, perfect day to crochet from one of Posh Patterns super designs

Favorite Weather

Sunny and 70s...definitely missing that weather...

My perfect day is sunny, 75

My perfect day is sunny, 75 degrees, with a light breeze, and of course hearing little kids laughing and playing!

My perfect day is sunny, 75

My perfect day is sunny, 75 degrees, with a light breeze, and of course hearing little kids laughing and playing!

Favorite weather

Full sun with a very light breeze of 80. Hopefully weather here will turn into that very soon. :)

favorite weather

Sunny and 80 with no humidity

Favorite weather

Sunny, 85 on the golf course followed by pool time!!!

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